St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

Curriculum and partnerships to support learning

To support the delivery and development of our curriculum we are working with some key partners who support  in providing structure, content and progression. Each partnership is built around philosophies that support the school's Trinity Approach to learning.


  • English: The Literary Curriculum who are helping develop our children to be authors and have the skills to read, write and communicate through the written and spoken word.


  • Maths: White Rose is helping us frame how children can become master mathematicians.


  • The wider curriculum: Kapow who have helped shape our broader curriculum architecture.


  • PSHE and RSE: Ten:Ten, through Life to the Full, is helping frame our approach to strengthening children’s understanding of themselves and their relationships with others. We are also a THRIVE school and we use this approach to support children's mental wellbeing when things are a challenge


  • Physical Education: REAL PE who through the Jasmine on-line resource provide structure, progression and emersion in PE and Physical Activity that allow our children to develop the key skills of Agility, Balance, Coordination, Healthy competition and Cooperation