St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

A very warm welcome from the Year 3 & 4  team

 Class Teachers: Mrs Angela Gabriel

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sally Bird



Welcome to our new class page!  The children have had a fantastic start to this year!  Year 3 marks a new chapter in your child’s learning journey – Key Stage 2.  As new members of this phase, we are incredibly proud of how well all of the children have coped with the changes and how well they have settled into their new class.  It has been wonderful to see the children reflecting our school values in their behaviour and their attitude to their learning – well done!


We are delighted to be part of your child’s learning journey.  We strive to provide our children with exciting learning opportunities in a supportive, nurturing environment which cultivates enthusiasm and a passion for learning, and enables all pupils to reach their own personal potential. . We highly value the importance of continuing to develop the vital skills of reading, writing and maths, alongside fostering personal and social well-being.  In addition, our exciting term topics provide opportunity to inspire and engage your children at home and school, with knowledge and understanding through the a broad and balanced curriculum which encompasses science, geography, history, arts, design and technology, as well as music, computing, PSHE and PE.  We encourage all the children to become independent and inquisitive learners, providing opportunity to develop a growth mind set; supporting determination, flexibility, curiosity and bravery throughout the curriculum. 


Year 3 also marks an important year for the Catholic children in their journey through the Sacraments. This year, they will take part in Reconciliation and then make their First Holy Communion. These are very special times which will help bring the children closer to God.


Our aim is to invite all parents to become involved in school life. Throughout the year we have planned different parents’ events including; ‘Meet the teacher’ meetings, a class assembly, a class mass, as well as parents’ evenings. Term newsletters will also inform you in more detail about current topics, and up and coming events.


Thank you for your support and we look forward to an exciting year ahead.




Click here for Term 3 and 4 Topic Web

Click here for Term 3 and 4 Class Newsletter




  We are all children of God, one family working together to develop a community of shared values, shared challenges and equal opportunities through knowledge and understanding of the Gospels, with Jesus Christ as our teacher.”

St Mary’s Catholic School Mission Statement